for mixed choir or 8 singers, ssaattbb on request from and dedicated to Maria van Nieukerken published by Ascolta-Houten duration ca 60'’ text: Une vocalise pour Maria van Nieukerken MWL 210
Archipel/Mise-en-scene (2019)
for guitar and small choir or solo singers SATB on request from and dedicated to Stefan Gerritsen and Elisabeth Blom text: Arthir Rimbaud not published duration ca 15'’ MWL 214
for mixed choir and a keyboard instrument on request of the Maria Magdalena Cantorij, cond. Rutger Valentijn Mauritz commissioned by the Foundation ‘De Vertaalslag’ and the city Goes dedicated to the city Goes published by Donemus duration ca 9’ text Bible and Gerrit Achterberg [1905-1962] MWL 215
for mixed choir commissioned by the Norbertinessenpriorij Sint Catharinadal, Oosterhout dedicated to the Norbertinessenpriorij Sint Catharinadal and Zr Maria Magdalena van Bussel published by Donemus duration ca 7’ text Bible MWL 219
for soprano, piano and violoncello commissioned by Henriette Feith Dedicated to René Leegte and Henriette Feith text: Dicht en prozaïsche werken, Mr. Rhijnvis Feith [1753-1824] published by Donemus duration ca 3' MWL 100a
For choir a capella Commissioned by Musica Vocale Dedicated to Musica Vocale and conductor Rob Vermeulen Text Remco Campert Published by Donemus Duration ca 8’ MWL 225
Grand Motet
Pseaume 103 (2023)
For choir and organ Dedicated Gemeente Oudekerk Amsterdam Not published Duration ca 8’ Text Pseaume 103 MWL 226
Basso Continuo
Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig (2023)
For choir and basso continuo-instruments Commissioned by VU-kamerkoor Dedicated to VU-kamerkoor Published by Donemus Duration ca 9’ MWL 227